MoorLife Moorbitter 0,04 l

7.00 including VAT

A tasty, slightly bitter elixir made from medicinal peat water and herbal extracts with only 22.5% alcohol by volume.

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A tasty, slightly bitter elixir made from medicinal peat water and herbal extracts with only 22.5% alcohol by volume.

Recommendation for use:

MoorLife®Moorbitter can be drunk as a digestive as well as an aperitif. MoorLife® Moor Bitters can also be used as a tonic for general strengthening and invigoration.

Attention: Diabetics must pay attention to the sugar content! 100 ml corresponds to 3.3 BE

Legal status:
MoorLife®Moorbitter is subject to the Foodstuffs Act and is marketable throughout the EU according to the decision of the Foodstuffs Investigation Institute in Linz.


MoorLife®Moorbitter contains extracts of 12 stimulating spices and herbs: anise, angostura bark, cardamom, coriander, galangal root, liquorice root, thyme, tormentil root, nut shells, nutmeg, angelica root, peppermint leaf.
The healing peat water contained in MoorLife®Moorbitter with its dissolved moor ingredients ensures digestibility and well-being.




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Weight 0.190 kg
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